tonies-custom-json config

tonies.custom.json #

TeddyCloud uses the tonies-custom-json file to read the metadata of custom tags in the same manner it’s done for the official boxine tonies in the tonies-json file. The structure is the same, but it’s not overwritten as the tonies-json file through regularly updates. So you can use the tonies-custom-json to save metadata of your own custom tags.

Initially the tonies-custom-json file looks like the following:


In the gui, a custom tag looks initially like:

old gui


new /web gui


Enriched with metadata for the above shown custom tag the tonies-custom-json file looks like this (more details see below in section Specification):

[{"no": "0", "model": "123456", "audio_id": ["369519776"], "hash": ["af9e61a9c1b12138fb060908d595742334b04515"], "title": "Custom Tonie Example Title", "series": "Custom Tonies", "episodes": "This is my custom tonie", "tracks": ["Title 1", "Title 2", "Title 3", "Title 4", "Title 5", "Title 6", "Title 7", "Title 8", "Title 9", "Title 10"], "release": "0", "language": "de-de", "category": "custom", "pic": ""}]

This results after restart of TeddyCloud in the following changed appearance in the GUIs:

old gui


new /web gui

New GUI Tonie Cards

New GUI with track display

Specification #

The tonies-custom-json file uses the JSON Array Structure. It contains zero, one, or more ordered elements, separated by a comma. The JSON array is surrounded by square brackets [ ].

Each element consists of a JSON object with the following keys:

OptionExample valueDescription
no"0"Number of custom tag
model""A model number of the custom tag, can be left empty
audio_id["369519776"]Enter the custom audio ID of the custom tag. Can be found in the old GUI as shown below
hash["af9e61a9c1b12138fb060908d595742334b04515"]Enter the hash of the custom tag. Can be found in the old GUI as shown below
title"Custom Tonie Example Title"Enter the title of the custom tag, it’s currently not displayed, use the series and episode tag to give your custom tag a title which is shown in the GUI
series"Custom Tonie"Enter the Series of the custom tag, will be shown in the GUI
episodes"This is my custom tonie"Enter the Episode of the custom tag, will be shown in the GUI
tracks["Title 1", "Title 2"]Enter the tracks of the custom tag, will be shown in the new GUI only
release"0"currently unused
language"de-de"language code, currently unused
category"custom"category of the custom tag, currently unused
pic""url of the picture which shall be shown as custom tag image in the GUI

Getting the Audio ID and Hash value